COE launch conceptual plan for 15 Indian offshore wind parks

Today, the Danish Energy Agency and the Ministry of New and Renewable Energy have published a conceptual plan with a pipeline identifying 15 locations for offshore wind in India. the conceptual plan provides substantial inputs to the current stakeholder dialogue on the recently released draft tender document from the Government of India.

The joint study was presented at a high-level event in Chennai, India on November 23, 2022 as an event under the Centre of Excellence for Offshore Wind and Renewable Energy. It highlights the rough and fine screening process as well as a coneceptual build plan for the selected zones off the coast of Tamil Nadu and Gujarat and is based on Denmark’s approach to maritime spatial planning for offshore wind. The plan provides substantial inputs to the current stakeholder dialogue on the recenetly released draft tender document from MNRE.

Moreover, the Centre of Excellence for Offshore Wind and RE presented a viability assessment of existing port infrastructure in proximity to the coasts off the two states inclding recommendations for upgrades and development. The projects provide significant input to the undergoing stakeholder consultation on the draft tender document for the first offshore wind parks in India, released by MNRE on 14 November 2022. The includes further details on the exact locations of the first 4 GW in Tamil Nadu that MNRE have taken into consideration as part of the comprehensive stakeholder inputs.

The joint projects on maritime spatial planning and port infrastructure have provided significant input for the draft tender document that is currently under stakeholder consultation as well as the upcoming tenders for offshore wind in India. The Danish approach and experience has been very helpful to advance this and brought great value to take us forward and reach 30 GW by 2030

Shri Dinesh Jagdale, Joint Secretary, Ministry of New and Renewable Energy

The joint studies have been developed under the Centre of Excellence for Offshore Wind and Renewable Energy. The centre is a joint initiative between the Indian Ministry of New and Renewable Energy and the Danish Energy Agency aiming to support the ambitious Indian target of 30 GW offshore wind in 2030.

The Indo-Danish collaboration on energy has taken remarkable steps and is a key contributor to the Green Strategic Partnership between India and Denmark. Offshore wind will be the next step in India’s green transition and with a clear and strong mandate from our two Honorable Prime Ministers, India and Denmark are leading this green energy transition together.

H.E. Shri Freddy Svane, Ambassador of Denmark to India
Clear pipeline for India’s first offshore wind parks based on Danish experiences

The conceptual build-out plan proposes identification of 14 sites in Tamil Nadu and 1 site in Gujarat corresponding to the planned upcoming auctions annnounced in the Strategy Paper for Offshore Wind, released by Government of India in July 2022.

Moreover, the report puts forward four initial sites in Tamil Nadu for the first auction of 4 GW equivalent seabed in 2022-2023 for leasin to carryout required studies & surveys and subsequent project development unde an open access model (under model-3 of the strategy paper). Adopting a relatively high capacity density would allow for up to 25 GW across the identified areas in Tamil Nadu alone. this provides a clear pipeline and contribution to the 30 GW government target for offshore wind in 2030.

In addition to spatial planning, the necessary infrastructure also needs to be in place to secure the large quantities of offshore wind. In this regard, a dedicated port infrastructure study identifies a set of ports off the Tamil Nadu and Gujarat coasts to support installation of wind turbines and foundations. However, these ports require significant upgrades in key infrastructure such as quaysides and yards, which are necessary for the marshalling of wind turbine components. There, a set of development alternatives are proposed for each port.

The Maritime Spatial Planning project and the port infrastructure study

The Maritime Spatial Planning is based on two separate reports – one for Tamil Nadu and one for Gujarat. The reports focus on the rough and fine screening process in the two states, including heat mapping and conceptual planning basis for the selected zones. The applied methodology is based on best practices from the Danish experiences within offshore wind development. The project builds on the existing work carried out in the EU-supported projects, FOWIND and FOWPI, to refine and make further recommendations supporting a clear and transparent future planning and collaborative balance of interests, which will encourage investments in offshore wind.

The port infrastructure study focus on assessment of the viability of existing ports in Gujarat and Tamil Nadu to support up to 30 GW of offshore wind development using 15+ MW wind turbines. Based on the assessment, the project also identifies possibilities for upgrade/development of port facilities.

You can find the comprehensive reports here.


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